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Postdocs of Cambridge Society

We all procrastinate and we all know we want to work more efficiently. This workshop, led by Dr. Jenneke van der Wal, will help you to achieve that. The aims of the workshop are:
1. provide a better understanding of your motivations for procrastination by identifying your own procrastination type (perfectionist? adrenaline seeker?);
2. learn effective techniques to manage them, such as 4D prioritising.
No excuses not to be present!

Pizza and drinks (alcoholic and non) will be provided. You do not need to pay in advance, simply bring £1 to the session. Participants will be emailed further details nearer the time.

Place: Postdoc Centre @ 16 Mill Lane

Time: Wednesday 28th January 2015, 6pm

Cost: £1 per person (pay at the door)

Registration: Sign up at


Wednesday, 28 January, 2015 - 18:00 to 20:00
Contact name: 
Natalia Bulgakova
Contact email: 
Event location: 
The Postdoc Centre @ 16 Mill Lane