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Postdocs of Cambridge Society


PdOC Society Events

The PdOC society runs a variety of social events, which are a great way to meet and interact with postdocs and like-minded others.

The best way to get in touch with the community is to join our mailing list. There is also a Facebook page and the Twitter page for the PdOC Society.

Events run by the PdOC Society are generally open to all, including non-postdocs who share interests with the postdoc community, and extending to partners, friends, etc.. There are occasional exceptions for ticketed events where subsidised funding comes from restricted sources; these will be clearly indicated.

Events are organised by a loose-knit group of volunteers who meet monthly and share a low-volume mailing list. You can join! Contact the Society's events officers to find out more.

Please ensure you read PdOC's Event Disclaimer 


Upcoming PdOC events

  • 16Feb

    Have you ever had a brunch at one of the Colleges of Cambridge? Have you ever had an English breakfast? Have you ever visited Jesus College? Have you ever been to a College?

    All this can happen in our next event at Jesus College where we can all enjoy a brunch in their formal hall!

    The price is between 5 to 10 pounds. 

  • 06Mar

    Craving for a typical English dinner?

    Join your fellow post docs for a dinner at the Architect with their Thursday special offer: Pie + Pint for 15 pounds!

    Places are limited, so sign up here!